Лучший онлайн-центр OET, классный коучинг/учебный центр | F1 Consulting

Who is eligible for the OET exam?

When can I expect the OET result?

How many times are OET exams conducted in a year?

What is the most challenging aspect of OET?

What is the syllabus of OET for nurses?

What is the OET pass ratio of listening and reading tests?

What is an OET exam fee in ?

What is the OET score for UK?

Can I prepare for the OET in one month?

What happens if you don’t pass the OET?

What is the pass mark for OET?

Which is easy to pass, IELTS or OET?

What’s the maximum age for taking the OET exam?

How long is the OET test valid for?

Is OET accepted in USA for nurses?

What are OET-accepted countries?